Best Vitamin Packs for Men, According to a Dietitian

This article is a full guide on vitamin packs for men, the best brands out there that can make it personalized through testing, or pre-made vitamin packs that have all the nutrients you need to do manly things.

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The vitamin industry has shifted a bit in recent years. Instead of people simply buying a bottle of vitamins to take daily, vitamin packs are providing a much more personalized and customized approach to nutrition and wellness.

Some vitamin pack brands allow you to choose what kind of supplements you want included in your packet based on your personal preferences. Others will actually use different assessments and tests to determine what you would benefit from taking. From antioxidants to specific vitamins and minerals, vitamin packs can help fill in nutritional gaps, boost your immune response and even aid in weight loss.

Men tend to spend less time worrying about their diet and nutritional intake compared to women. They’re part of a demographic that truly needs support in the way of supplements and how they access what's needed. This process could help fill in nutritional gaps, keep the body functioning efficiently, support immune function and promote cardiovascular health, just to name a few benefits.

Vitamin packs are a convenient and organized way to administer daily nutrients to the body. There are certain products that are a much better quality than others, so I want to use my expertise as a registered dietitian to help get you started with your search for the best vitamin packs for men.

Why Consider a Vitamin Pack Specifically for Men?

There are a number of benefits that you can take advantage of when you’re a man in need of nutritional support and you want to purchase vitamin packs.

To start with, these packs contain personalized nutrients that take into consideration the amount of exercise you participate in regularly, the current foods that you eat on a regular basis and any health issues that you may have been diagnosed with. You may indicate on an assessment that you’re interested in boosting your body’s natural immune response, and certain antioxidants or vitamins will be included for that purpose. You could also look for a product that provides anti-aging benefits, glucose support, etc.

Vitamin packs for men provide a much more diverse nutritional option than your standard men / women adult multivitamin in a bottle. You also can’t beat the convenient packets that you can take on the go with you instead of toting a full bottle around.

Do Men’s Daily Vitamins Work?

One question I get a lot is, do men need to take a multivitamin? And the answer is, it all depends on many factors such as your diet, exercise routine and lifestyle.

Specific nutrients in a men’s daily vitamin can work for different purposes. For example, vitamins that are part of the B complex category have the potential to reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke while boosting energy levels. If men utilize Vitamin A, it can sometimes slow down the progression of macular degeneration or cataracts.

While it’s beneficial to source as much of our nutrition as we can from the foods that we’re eating each day, it’s not always possible to obtain all the essential vitamins and nutrients our body needs all the time.

Things like illness, age, stress and a hectic schedule come into play. Having adequate support for those low-nutrient days is optimal and that’s where men’s daily vitamins come in. They work, as long as you’re choosing a product that has been formulated and manufactured with quality in mind.

What to Look for In Excellent Vitamin Packs for Men

man working out vitamin packs

There are some specific features I recommend my male clients look for when they’re considering an excellent quality vitamin pack. As a registered dietitian, I know the specific essential nutrients that are needed on a daily basis. I also understand that everybody is completely different. What one person needs may be something another man wants to skip. I love the personalized approach of a multivitamin pack, and I want to share with you the different things I suggest looking for when you’re shopping around.

The Essential Vitamins That a Man Needs

The specific, essential vitamins that every man needs on a daily basis include things like vitamins D, C, B complex, A, calcium, potassium and magnesium. There are other inclusions that may be necessary when there are a lot of gaps in a person’s diet, such as iron, selenium, manganese and chromium. Consider whether you’re looking for a well-rounded supplement to accommodate your nutritional needs, something that will protect your heart, nutrients that boost your energy levels, etc.

A Vitamin Pack That Uses Clinically Studied Ingredients

While we may know what the essential vitamins are that men’s bodies need daily, it’s important to find a multivitamin pack that utilizes science and clinically studied ingredients in its formulation. The more research that goes into a product, the more that you can trust it’s going to do what it was intended to do. Research also impacts where certain nutrients are sourced from so you’re getting the purest product possible.

A Brand That Is Trustworthy

It’s important to look into a specific men’s multivitamin product that you’re considering taking, but I also recommend that you spend a little bit of time looking into the brand that makes the product in question. A brand that is trustworthy will produce supplements that are safe and beneficial for your body. Do a little bit of research to see if a brand is transparent about what’s in their products, but also about where ingredients are sourced, the manufacturing process used and any potential third-party testing that is utilized.

The Seven Best Men’s Vitamin Packs

I have compiled a list of the seven best men’s vitamin packs as a resource to start your own search. There are different features offered for each of these items, and I’ve included as much information as possible to give you a thorough summary. Feel free to do some reading of your own to help you determine which of these products provides you with the most nutritional and wellness support possible.

#1. Autumn DNA (Best Overall Vitamin Packs)

autumn dna men's vitamin packs

Autumn DNA has created a unique and personalized approach to men’s multivitamins and supplements. Their brand uses advanced DNA research along with a thorough lifestyle assessment to determine what nutrients your body needs (these recommendations are based off of algorithms in the Autumn DNA database). You receive a full report explaining all of your data. Your specific supplements are sent to you in daily individual packets that are clearly labeled with what’s inside and how you should take the product. I find this multivitamin packet for men to be the best option because it’s so personalized compared to competitor’s products. The scientific advisory board that oversees the Autumn DNA process consists of naturopaths, pharmacists, researchers, educators and functional wellness practitioners.


  • Autumn DNA offers a personalized approach to health and wellness through the use of their supplements
  • Your personal DNA is considered when making nutrient recommendations
  • All of the potential ingredients come from high quality sources
  • Your data is completely secure according to HIPAA compliance
  • You can save money by uploading existing data from or


  • Your recommendations are based off of algorithms
  • If you don’t have DNA information already available elsewhere, you’ll have to pay for their DNA test kit
  • You have to pay $14.99 to upload your information from another DNA source

#2. ONNIT Total Human (Best Non-Personalized Vitamin Packs)

total human men's vitamin packs

Onnit Total Human provides you with a convenient method of obtaining your much needed and clinically studied vitamins, minerals and other botanical nutrients. Rather than collecting numerous bottles of products that you have to keep in order and remember that you’ve taken them, you receive your Total Human nutrients in small packets that are to be taken in the morning and at night. Aside from individual nutrients, you even get some of Onnit’s patented formulations that support your brain, bones, joints, mood, energy and immune system.

Some of the formulations that Onnit includes in their men’s multivitamin packs includes Alpha Brain, which is a nootropic formula for cognitive health and focus. Shroom Tech Support supports cellular energy health and heart health. Stron Bone builds strong bones and structural integrity, while Total Human B Complex boosts energy levels, neural communication and endurance.


  • Provides both night and day support
  • Comes in convenient packages that are separated by time of day
  • Formulated using essential and clinically studied vitamins, minerals, and other botanical nutrients
  • Regulates health and performance
  • Supports your focus, energy, endurance and general wellness


  • Rather than utilizing specific vitamins and nutrients, you have the rely on the quality of Onnit’s specialty blends

#3. 1st Phorm Micro Factor (Best Value)

micro-factor men's vitamin packs

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Six different products are included in 1st Phorm’s Micro Factor multivitamin packets. To keep your body functioning at an optimal level, you receive antioxidants that directly support your immune system and protect against free radical damage. Antioxidants can also offer anti-aging support. Multivitamins have been included to support healthy metabolic functions and energy production. Probiotics support a healthy gut. There are eight billion organisms included among various well-researched strains to balance gut bacteria, boost immune function, help with digestion and address your energy levels.

CoQ10 has been included in 1st Phorm’s Micro Factor multivitamin to allow the body ample production of cellular energy and to support healthy cardiovascular function. Essential Fatty Acids (included omega-3s) support joint health and protect your brain, heart and joints. Lastly (but certainly not least), a unique fruit and vegetable blend offers nutritional support from foods like broccoli, kale, spirulina, wheat grass and grape seed extract. These ingredients boost antioxidant activity while also supporting cellular detoxification.


  • Increases your immune function
  • Offers better overall health and wellness support
  • Improves GI health
  • Comes in convenient, daily packets
  • Helps your body function at its peak


  • This is a one-size-fits-all approach. The nutrients included in each packet are always the same and not based on your specific needs

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#4. Vous Vitamins

vous vitamins men's vitamin packs

You can utilize Vous Vitamins to eliminate having to guess what nutrients you need as part of your multivitamin routine. After filling out a quick health and lifestyle assessment, a board-certified physician will contact you with information about the type of men’s multivitamin packet you should be using. All of the multivitamins that are sold through the Vous brand are formulated by physicians. The company has a very good reputation and excellent customer support team. Vous Vitamins was created by co-founders, Romy Block, MD, and Ariel Levitan, MD. They welcome any input you have regarding issues you’re experiencing (low energy, trouble sleeping, GI problems, etc.) so more personalized recommendations can be made.


  • Your customized vitamin plan is based on recommendations from qualified physicians
  • You can subscribe to receive monthly shipments, which also saves you money
  • Considers your unique nutritional needs
  • Does not contain any artificial additives, flavors or ingredients


  • It will take some time to complete your initial assessment before ordering your product. You have to wait to receive your results and recommendations.

#5. Rootine Vitamin Packs

rootine vitamin packs male

Rootine analyzes over 100 different health data points in order to deliver personalized health insights to you using incredibly accurate nutrient formulas. At a cellular level, Rootine helps you increase your potential and performance using different clinically proven vitamins, minerals and micronutrients. Founded in 2018 by Rachel Sanders and Dr. Daniel Wallerstorfer, Rootine can include up to 18 different ingredients in each dose. You do have to invest in the DNA test kit and the blood test in order to receive as accurate guidance as possible, but you’ll reap the benefits of administering what your body needs and is deficient in. Those two tests are actually optional, but there is a lifestyle assessment that you do have to complete in order to get started.

You have the option to repeat the DNA and blood test at any point during taking Rootine multivitamins to see what your progress looks like. The company will adjust your formulation, so your next shipment includes new nutrients or has excluded some of what you don’t need.


  • Achieve greater, energy, health support and immune support
  • Build a healthier stress response
  • Offers clearer thinking and better focus
  • Targeted to your DNA, blood levels, lifestyle and goals
  • In-app tracking monitors your progress
  • Uncover the root cause of your symptoms
  • Addresses fatigue, brain fog, productivity loss and mood imbalance


  • There is quite a bit of testing needed to receive as accurate of a recommendation as possible, although it’s not all required

#6. Persona Nutrition Personalized Daily Vitamin Packs

persona nutrition men's vitamin packs

Persona Nutrition has a number of supplements that they conveniently mix into personalized packets for each day. You have the ability to change up your supplements based on any specific health concerns that you have. You can choose your supplements if you’re trying to lose weight, control inflammation, boost GI health, retain cognitive function and even support healthy joints. Just some of the products the offer in their packets include digestive enzymes, ginseng, omega-3 fatty acids, turmeric, vitamin D, calcium and melatonin. On average, people usually receive three to five supplements in each packet.


  • Persona Nutrition has 1.2 million clients
  • Based off of scientific information
  • Personalized approach to men’s multivitamins
  • Convenient packet form allows you to easily take your supplements wherever you are
  • Designed by doctors
  • Products are tested for quality
  • Nutritionists are on call when you need them


  • I would like to see a little more information on the Persona website that explains what is actually included in their Personalized Daily Vitamin Packs without having to initiate the health assessment
  • Third party testing is not utilized

#7. Care/of Personalized Daily Vitamin Packs

care/of men's vitamin packs

Care/of is a vitamin company that provides customized daily vitamin packs right to your door after offering up a comprehensive report about your personal recommendations. All of your daily nutrients are packed in individual envelopes, so you don’t have to worry about dosing your supplements each day. If you’re in a hurry, you can simply grab your daily packet and head right out the door. Instead of making you guess to figure out what ingredients will benefit your body, Care/of offers knowledge and recommendations from qualified medical professionals. All you have to do is fill out a quick health assessment to get started.

Care/of offers a number of different ingredients that you can select for your custom vitamin packs. This includes single vitamins like the B-vitamin family, C, D, etc. You can opt for a full multivitamin if you would prefer. Minerals include calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium, but you don’t have to utilize them all. There are even herbs offered, such as elderberry, ashwagandha, milk thistle and garlic. Three strains of bacteria offer probiotic support and specialty ingredients include collagen, protein, adaptogens, antioxidant boosts and keratin.


  • Find the vitamins, collagen and other ingredients that your body needs
  • Packets are available that are designed for men, women, to boost energy, heal your skin and so much more
  • A routine that’s tailored to your lifestyle
  • Includes the most effective, bioavailable and sustainable ingredients possible
  • Convenient packets that are labeled with your name and everything that’s included inside


  • The cost can vary quite a bit depending on what you have included in your packets


The seven vitamin packs that I’ve included in this article aren’t necessarily designed just for men, but the personalized approach that they offer takes into account your gender, your age, health issues you are dealing with, what you hope to accomplish in the future, etc. While I think multivitamins are extremely beneficial to get your health back on track, I think a personalized approach is the most optimal option to see results quickly.

Because of the added personalization factor of these products, you may have to spend a little bit of extra money upfront to get started. Some companies will ask you to complete a free assessment to help you determine what you should be supplementing with. The companies that offer DNA and blood testing will ask that you pay for this testing, but honestly, I think it’s worth it. Can you really put a price tag on your health?

Should You Try a Men’s Daily Vitamin Pack?

personalized vitamin pack for men
  • Have you been dealing with anything like low energy, a decreased immune response, stress, trouble sleeping or a lack of endurance during physical activity?
  • Have you recently been diagnosed with a medical condition that your doctor is helping you manage?
  • Do you feel like your diet just doesn’t include enough healthy foods each day despite your best efforts?

If you have answered yes to any of these questions, then I recommend (as a registered dietitian) that you consider trying a men’s daily vitamin pack. The nutrients that you’ll benefit from will vary based on how you’re feeling and what kind of issues you’re dealing with.

The only way to truly address your health and that you specifically need is by utilizing one of these personalized vitamin packs. If you’re looking for a more generalized approach to your supplementation but want some degree of control, then you may not need specialized DNA testing or blood tests. Being able to choose what areas of your health you’re trying to improve can still be positively affected.

Recap of My Top Recommendations for Men's Vitamin Packs:

You really can't go wrong with any of the following Men's vitamin packs. It really all depends on what you're looking for – personalized vitamin packs for men through testing, or the classic pre-made vitamin packs based on clinical research.

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Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD

Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD, earned her masters degree in Nutrition and Foods from the University of Georgia. She's a Registered Dietitian at Morrison Healthcare and has a strong passion in helping people improve their wellness! Currently, she helps women in menopause find hormone balance through diet, exercise and science-backed products.

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