Menopause can steal away moments of your life as you try to navigate through symptoms such as overwhelming hot flashes, night sweats that soak the bed and crippling anxiety. Some women are lucky enough to experience these symptoms subtly, while others are taken aback by how unlike themselves they feel.
Don’t worry, help is available. I want to introduce you to two menopause products: Relizen and Amberen. Both of these products contain natural and safe ingredients that can quickly help you feel more normal again. Let’s take a look.
The Hot Takes
Choose Relizen if…

Choose Amberen if…

What is Relizen?
Relizen is formulated using a blend of pollen extracts that can help relieve commonly experienced menopause symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, changes in mood, sleep issues and weight gain. Manufactured by the brand Bonafide Health, Relizen may have an impact on your serotonin levels, helping boost your mood throughout the challenging time of menopause. Relizen is a great treatment option because it’s completely hormone-free.
More on Relizen:
What Are the Key Ingredients in Relizen?
Relizen contains purified flower pollen extract (Pollen + Pistil Extract PI-82, and Pollen Extract GC-FEM). This extract has been thoroughly studied, showing promising results for hormone balance and relief from a variety of menopause symptoms. It is especially effective for temperature regulation issues.
Does Relizen Really Work to Alleviate Menopause Symptoms?
Based on a natural pollen formula, Relizen has purified their pollen so that allergens are no longer in the final product. This product has proven to be very effective for symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats and even vaginal dryness. However, it seems that it can take up to 90 days for Relizen to really work its magic.
My Experience With Relizen
My hot flashes came on quickly when I was first experiencing perimenopause-related symptoms. Not only did I have quick bursts of heat, but I would start to sweat and feel dizzy as well. At first, I thought something was wrong, but my doctor explained that this was a normal part of the process.
I was talking to a good friend of mine about my hot flashes, and she recommended Relizen. I started taking it and didn’t really notice any kind of difference at first. I would say it took about four weeks before I noticed a reduction in my symptoms. It was subtle at first, with symptoms reducing more and more as I continued the product. I barely have any hot flashes anymore. It has also kept me cool at night and helped me regulate my emotions a bit better.
Pros of Relizen
- Completely natural
- The allergens have been removed from the pollen extracts.
- Can help calm irritability and improve your quality of sleep.
- Many FSA and HSA accounts can be used to pay for Relizen.
- No known drug interactions exist with Relizen.
Cons of Relizen
- It can take three months for it to work.
- Because this product can affect your serotonin levels, you may want to talk to your doctor if you’re already taking medication that alters these levels.
What is Amberen?

Much safer than a hormone replacement therapy option for menopause symptoms, Amberen is a natural option that can alleviate common issues such as hot flashes, night sweats, sleep issues, low libido, pain in the joints and headaches.
Amberen has invested greatly in research into their product and its ingredients. You can visit their website for more information, including a study done in 2020 that took place over 180 days. Looking at 105 women who were experiencing perimenopause symptoms, many experienced relief from some or all of their symptoms when taking Amberen.
What Are the Key Ingredients in Amberen?
Amberen is based on ingredients such as succinates, amino acids, B vitamins and minerals. There are 555 milligrams of these ingredients in each dose, which is available in capsule or gummy form.
Does Amberen Really Work to Alleviate Menopause Symptoms?
Amberen has many benefits when used on a daily basis over the course of many weeks. It works for quite a long list of symptoms, which is nice. A lot of natural perimenopause and menopause supplements only target a couple of symptoms. Three placebo-controlled clinical trials determined that Amberen doesn’t have any adverse side effects.
My Experience With Amberen
I was eager to investigate Amberen and try it for myself. The long list of symptoms that it can help with was intriguing. I started taking Amberen and noticed a shift in some of my symptoms within a couple of weeks. The most noticeable effects were better quality of sleep and better temperature regulation. Other symptoms improved over time, such as a decrease in headaches and improved libido.
Pros of Amberen
- There is a substantial amount of research on the use of Amberen.
- Amberen addresses a large number of symptoms related to menopause.
- Doctor approved
- Can address mood issues like anxiety, irritability and mood swings.
Cons of Amberen
- Amberen contains MSG.
- Animal testing is used.
Comparison Section: Amberen vs. Relizen
While they are both natural menopause relief products, Amberen and Relizen have some key differences. Let’s break them down.
Comparing Formulas
Relizen is made from highly purified flower pollen extract, whereas Amberen contains ingredients like calcium, magnesium, zinc, synthetic vitamin E, the amino acid glycine and ammonium succinate.
Comparing Price
You can purchase a single box of Relizen for $57, with the three-month subscription plan dropping the cost by 35%.
The cost of Amberen is $29.99 for a one-month supply of capsules. The gummies cost $39.99. A subscription with Amberen provides a 10% discount.
Because you’re supposed to take these supplements for three full months to see if they work for your menopause symptoms, it makes sense to sign up for a subscription that will save you money.
Comparing Results
The results are different for each woman who tries these supplements. However, I feel that Relizen is more effective for women who are really struggling with temperature regulation. While there are some other benefits associated with taking Relizen, it works best for hot flashes and night sweats.
Amberen can be used to address a variety of symptoms, such as temperature issues, anxiety, mood swings, fatigue, difficulty concentrating and sleep issues.
I think they both work well, but you have to make sure you’re using the right product based on your symptoms.
What Are the Main Differences Between Relizen and Amberen?
The formulas for these two products are different. Relizen uses pollen that has been scientifically studied and can help with hormone balance. Then there is Amberen, which contains very different ingredients to relieve menopause symptoms. I find Relizen to have the more natural and safe formula.
Amberen is beneficial for more symptoms overall, but Relizen can be very effective as well.
Relizen comes in tablet form. Amberen gives you the option of taking capsules (which are a bit large) or choosing a gummy-based supplement.
Final Thoughts and Next Steps
Relizen and Amberen provide natural relief for symptoms that are associated with menopause. Many women with perimenopause use these products as well. Because their formulas are quite different and they target different symptoms, I recommend that you look into both products before you choose one. You may find that Relizen is more promising for what you’re going through, or vice versa.
It’s always a good idea to speak with your doctor before starting a supplement for menopause. There may be other issues going on with your hormones that should be addressed first. If you’re taking other medications, it’s a good idea to ensure there won’t be an interaction between them and Relizen or Amberen.
