My Family Loves Nurture Life Meals, Here’s Why

With all the hype and positive reviews from real customers who purchased Nurture Life, I had to see if it was worth it for kids meals.

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Nurture Life is a kid’s meal delivery service that my family has used and loved over the last 2+ years. We order a box of Nurture Life during busy seasons as a treat for my kids (they both love the meals) and a way to take a little pressure off of my husband and me.

Every time I share Nurture Life meals on Instagram or TikTok, I get a lot of questions from my community, so I thought I would share a blog post dedicated to our experience with Nurture Life and that answers the most common questions I get in regards to the meals.

If you’re considering purchasing Nurture Life Kid’s Meals, my hope is that this article will help you decide if it’s a good fit for your family.

Why We Tried Nurture Life

nurture life kids meals

Back in early 2021, my family had just moved across the country, we had launched a brand new business, and we had two toddlers, ages 2 and 4. To say that we were busy would be an understatement. 

It was around this time that I discovered Nurture Life. Meal delivery services were really big at the time but the concept of a kid-specific meal delivery service was totally new to me. As a mom who prioritizes health and balanced eating, but had two pretty picky kiddos, I was willing to try anything to get my kids to eat well and to save myself a lot of time and frustration around meal times.

Nurture Life had a great selection of kids’ meals that were high in protein, full of veggies, made with organic ingredients, and came delivered fresh. Browsing the menu, I saw multiple kid-friendly options that I felt like even my picky kids would enjoy. Plus, what kid doesn’t love a special, “just-for-them” meal?

More on Nurture Life:

Who These Meals Are For

Before I get into our experience with Nurture Life, I want to mention that Nurture Life serves kiddos from beginner eaters all the way to teens. In a way, I wish Nurture Life was an option for my family when my kids were babies as their finger foods are so convenient and a great way to introduce foods to littles that are health conscious, fresh, and not packed with preservatives. 

I have a friend who used Nurture Life meals for her baby as soon as she was old enough to start eating finger foods and the experience of growing up, more or less, with Nurture Life meals has led my friend’s daughter to be a really solid eater. The best part is that she doesn’t seem to crave the junk foods that are filled with sugar and other additives and she happily eats most of the family dinners that my friend cooks!

Our First Order

Nurture Life is a subscription-based meal delivery service, but they’re really flexible, which I very much appreciate. They also offer multiple plan options to choose from, starting with a 6 item meal plan and going all the way to up to 10, 13, or 16 meals per week. We started small to test them out before committing to a large order.

I definitely had a little hesitation due to the price, which is roughly $6.75 per meal, however, the stress and pressure I was feeling to make healthy kid-friendly meals made making the financial commitment worth it. 

I ordered 10 meals and they came about a week later. The meals were delivered to my doorstep in a temperature-controlled box. I live in FL, which unfortunately means that we often run into food products being melted or their integrity damaged due to the excessive heat. Thankfully, Nurture Life packages their meals really well, ensuring that they make it to your door fresh. I have never received a delivery that was even questionable from them!

mac and cheese nurture life

The Meals My Kids Love

Below is a list of our go-to’s from Nurture Life:

  • Turkey Meatballs with Mashies & Green Beans
  • White Mac & Cheese with Hidden Cauli & Broccoli
  • Chicken Parm with Super Veggie Spaghetti
  • Cheeseburger Mac With Broccoli
  • Mac & Cheese with Hidden Butternut Squash
  • Beef Taco Pockets with Sweet Corn
  • Spaghetti & Meatballs with Super Veggie Sauce
  • Double Chocolate Mighty Bites

There are tons of options, but these are the ones that I find my kiddos love best. We have also tried the Super Food Smoothies, which include two full servings of fruits and veggies each. My kids don’t LOVE these, but I do! Haha. If you can get your kid(s) to drink these, you’re doing them a huge solid by getting them a ton of nutrition in one easy-peasy smoothie.

nurture life smoothies and mighty bites

How and When We Use Nurture Life Meals

Maybe you’re wondering why I am spending money on a kid’s meal delivery service when I’m a recipe creator and have a recipe app filled with healthy, family-friendly recipes. Let me explain.

First, I’ve discovered now that my kids are a little older and need to pack a lunch for school every day that Nurture Life meals make the perfect lunch box lunch! Talk about time-saving in the mornings! Instead of filling up a bunch of Bento box sections with foods that I hope they’ll actually eat, I just stick a Nurture Life meal in there with a couple of cold packs and send them off knowing that they’ll have a warm, hearty, balanced meal at lunchtime to give them energy for the second half of their day. All they need to do is warm their meal in the microwave for 60 seconds.

Second, since both of my kids are heavily involved in sports, there are many nights when cooking dinner and getting them out the door to sports practices or games just isn’t going to happen. Nurture Life meals come in clutch for the busy sports seasons when we need something quick and nourishing.

10 Things I Love About Nurture Life (As a Mom, Nutritionist, and Macro Coach)

  1. All meals are made with whole, natural foods and are organic. These meals are ones that you can 100% feel great about giving to your kiddos.
  2. They prioritize protein. You saw that one coming, right? If you’ve been following me for a while then you know that hitting your macros is something I preach, and it starts with teaching kids how to prioritize protein through healthy, nourishing meals.
  3. They come with hidden fruits and veggies. Getting my kids to eat their fruits and veggies is like pulling teeth, but when they don’t know they’re there, it’s like a secret mom win that I’ll never let them in on. 
  4. They come fresh, not frozen.
  5. You can freeze them if you want or need to. Sometimes we don’t use the meals up in time, so I’ll stick them in the freezer to be pulled out in a bind.
  6. They’re perfect for lunch boxes. 
  7. They don’t include “weird” foods. If your kids are like mine, anything other than chicken nuggets, mac & cheese, and hot dogs is “weird.” Nurture Life gets that it keeps them super kid-friendly.
  8. They save me so much time, and probably money when it comes down to it. 
  9. I like the taste of them, too! Sometimes I warm one up and eat it for myself when I need a quick snack.
  10. They always come fresh and temperature-controlled. I’ve yet to receive a box that hasn’t maintained a safe temperature by the time it came to my door (I’ve had bad experiences with other meal delivery services.)

Are you planning to give Nutrure Life a try for your kids? Have you tried it before? Let me know! I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. I know it can be so helpful to hear experiences from more than just one family when it comes to things like this. 

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Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD

Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD, earned her masters degree in Nutrition and Foods from the University of Georgia. She's a Registered Dietitian at Morrison Healthcare and has a strong passion in helping people improve their wellness! Currently, she helps women in menopause find hormone balance through diet, exercise and science-backed products.

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