Menopause GLP-1
(Top-Rated Brands)

Many of my menopause clients ask me about GLP-1 usage and which provider to go with - Here is the resource I give them, which is based on what the majority of them use and recommend, based on their experience.
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Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any new medication, including GLP-1 medications like Ozempic or any other weight loss treatments.

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Semaglutide, Tirzepatide
Board-certified medical team
4.9/5 (1,000+ Reviews)
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What my clients like about them: Get the medication easily, no hassle, useful monthly check-ins, good support from medical team. The truth is, most women in menopause just want the medication and be left alone. Josie can do that, and they will still check in with you. A lot of women say that the Customer Portal is very user friendly. So far, no complaints in my community about Josie.

Joi Wellness
Also offer HRT
Board-certified medical team
4.8/5 (1,000+ Reviews)
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What my clients like about them: Many of my clients really like their experience with JOI Wellness. There have been a few complaints about shipping times, but I think Joi will keep working to optimize.

Remedy Meds
Great for quick medication
Good customer support
Semaglutide, Tirzepatide
4.7/5 (2,000+ Reviews)
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What my clients like about them: For a while, Remedy Meds was one of the only options, but some of my clients like them for oral semaglutide. It's not menopause-specific, but they can personalize your experience. Some complaints in my community about customer service.

Semaglutide, Tirzepatide
Customer support is very good
Full medical team
4.7/5 (1,000+ Reviews)
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What my clients like about them: Very straightforward process, user friendly customer portal, a lot of different weight loss options with Eden. So far, no complaints in my community.

Super quick service
Customer support is average
Semaglutide, Tirzepatide
4.6/5 (1,000+ Reviews)
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What my clients like about them: Super easy to get medications, so for those who want a quick process, this is a good option. Some complaints inside my community about reaching out to customer support and getting nothing back for days.

Semaglutide, Tirzepatide
Decent customer support
Fast delivery
4.5/5 (1,000+ Reviews)
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What my clients like about them: A few women in my community have used G-Plans and like it, but there have been some customer service complaints in my community, and not totally personalizing the process (for menopause), which is understandable - they cater to the masses.
Clinically studied Menopause GLP-1 Menopause GLP-1 Weight Loss GLP-1 Menopause
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