Having thick and luscious hair is something that makes a woman feel beautiful. When your hair is thin, experiences a lot of breakages and even falls out, this can be devastating to your self-esteem.
There are a number of reasons why hair loss or damage occurs. From a female perspective, I know that hormones play a big part in how healthy your hair is. As a dietitian, your diet is very important. Being deficient in certain nutrients can negatively affect your hair.
If you’re dealing with unhealthy hair and have tried product after product, I have one more product line that I want you to consider. In this article, I’m going to be talking to you about MDhair Regrowth Shampoo. It’s beneficial for all types of hair loss and includes a number of natural and beneficial ingredients that will strengthen your locks and promote growth.
Overview of MDhair Regrowth Shampoo
MDhair Regrowth Shampoo is a scalp-stimulating product that is effective for people with different types of hair loss. By harnessing the beneficial components of things like argan oil, pumpkin seed oil, saw palmetto and biotin, your hair can look shinier, thicker and healthier. In total, MDhair Regrowth Shampoo includes 20 active plant complexes and vegan proteins, designed to stimulate your hair follicles.
This product may also help regulate your sebum production, so you don’t experience oily hair. It soothes any dry scalp issues that you have. MDhair Regrowth Shampoo is vegan friendly and free of things like fragrances, colors, sulfates and silicone.

What Ingredients Make It Possible for Hair Regrowth?
Like I mentioned above, there are 20 different active plant complexes in MDhair Regrowth Shampoo. Here are some of the key ingredients and why they’ve been included.
Ingredients in MD hair Regrowth
Saw Palmetto
This palm-like plant contains beneficial compounds that support the regrowth of your hair. It also prevents the conversion of testosterone into DHT, which reduces the effect of DHT on your hair follicles.
Reishi Mushrooms
This adaptogen helps to support a healthy scalp thanks to its immunomodulator and inhibitor composition. This stimulates the new growth of hair.
Argan Oil
Made from the kernels of the argan tree, argan oil is very popular in beauty products. In regard to hair care, it adds a protective layer to your hair and scalp. This reduces dryness and frizz while boosting shine.
Hydrolyzed Wheat Proteins
By exposing your hair to hydrolyzed wheat proteins, your hair will experience increased flexibility and strength.
Biotin is frequently used in hair care products thanks to its ability to strengthen hair follicles and increase the density of hair. It also improves circulation to your scalp, which can stimulate growth.
Ginger Extract
Ginger extract has potent antioxidant properties that can help keep the scalp clean and free of bacteria.
How Often Do You Have to Use It for It to Work?
MDhair Regrowth Shampoo should be used every one to two days. Follow your normal cycle of washing your hair. Some people have very oily hair, making it impossible to skip a day of washing. If you’re someone who washes every other day, it’s fine to continue doing so.
Wet your hair and gently massage the shampoo into your scalp. Make sure that you’re distributing the lather from the root to the tip. Go about your shower routine, leaving the product on your hair for at least two minutes before rinsing.
What Can You Pair MDhair Regrowth With?
There are a number of products that are part of the MDhair lineup that can be paired with their Regrowth Shampoo. This can boost the effects of the shampoo, while helping strengthen and grow your hair.
First and Foremost, Pair It with a Healthy Diet!
While MDhair Regrowth Shampoo and other related MDhair products can help promote hair growth and healthy hair, there are other components of your diet and lifestyle that you should pay close attention to. Certain foods, when added to your diet, can hasten the process of strong hair growth, but there are also foods you should avoid. Diet allows you to strengthen your hair from the inside out, so let’s take a closer look at nutrition and hair care.
What Is Important?
There are some key components to include in your diet. Ideally, you’ll want to consume at least 50 to 60 grams of protein per day. This number may be a bit higher if you are very active or work out regularly. Protein is important because your body uses proteins to build the cells of your hair (as well as your skin and nails). Approximately 85 percent of your hair is made up of a protein called keratin. Also, the protein that you eat is comprised of key amino acids. They are the building blocks of your hair's structure and strength.
It’s also really important that you’re getting enough whole foods in your diet. This includes fruits, vegetables and anything else from a plant source. This is where you’ll find key nutrients, antioxidants and beneficial compounds that promote healthy hair. Processed foods tend to be very deficient in these vitamins and minerals. If you eat a lot of unhealthy items, you could be faced with hair that is thin and breaks easily. Your hair may grow very slowly and lack shine.
What Vitamins Do You Need for healthy hair?
There are a few key nutrients that you want to incorporate into your diet for hair growth purposes. This includes vitamin A, vitamin C, biotin, iron and omega-3 fatty acids. Be careful with your vitamin A intake. Too little vitamin A is bad for your hair, but too much can also cause hair loss. It is recommended that women consume 700 micrograms per day.
Vitamin C is important because it stimulates the production of collagen. Collagen is a main component of keratin, which is the main protein that makes up your hair strands.
Did you know that approximately 10 million people in the U.S. are deficient in iron? An iron deficiency can leave you feeling fatigued, but it can also leave you with unhealthy hair. Other iron deficiency symptoms include GI problems and heavy periods.
Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly beneficial for your hair thanks to their high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory components. They can also help protect your hair from oxidative stress.
Which Foods are the Best for hair growth?
As a Dietitian, I have a list of foods that are incredibly beneficial for the health of your hair. This includes:
- Eggs
- Berries
- Spinach
- Fish
- Sweet Potatoes
- Nuts
- Seeds
- Avocados
- Yogurt
MDhair Regrowth Supplements
If you’re concerned that you’re not getting enough beneficial nutrients from the food that you eat, MDhair has Regrowth Supplements to help bridge the gap. They are ideal for addressing hair loss related to genetic causes or age-related issues. Effective for both men and women with thinning hair, MDhair Regrowth Supplements contain natural DHT blockers that will switch your hair follicles from their resting phase to a more active hair regrowth phase.
A key ingredient in this product includes Ashwagandha, which is a potent adaptogen. It works well for people who have hair loss related to stress. It’s can also prevent your hair from graying prematurely. Other ingredients include Maitake and Reishi mushrooms. They help protect your hair against oxidative stress damage from hair follicle to the ends of your hair.
This product is vegan-friendly and does not contain any sulfates.
Marine Collagen
You can take a collagen supplement orally, and this will help strengthen your hair and improve its elasticity. This can increase the body's hair building proteins, and you may even find that fewer gray hairs pop up when you use it regularly. MDhair Marine Collagen is also beneficial for the health of your skin and nails.
Restore Serum
This product pairs extremely well with the Regrowth Serum. This product is applied to the length of your hair. It promotes stronger hair strands and follicles by way of DHT-blockers.
Minoxidil 2.0%
If you need something a little stronger to get the job done, Minoxidil 2.0% is a medicated treatment option for women that have genetic or age-related hair loss.
MDhair Regrowth Serum

MDhair’s Regrowth Serum contains DHT-blockers for hair regrowth and a healthier scalp. This is a specially formulated product that works really well on sensitive skin. It won’t cause any dandruff or itchy skin on your scalp. Also containing DHT blockers to stimulate hair regrowth, MDhair Regrowth Serum is made with more than 20 active plant complexes. This includes Fo-Ti root extract, which improves scalp health and reduces premature graying.
I love this product because it absorbs really quickly but doesn’t make your hair look oily. It’s also lightweight, so it won’t make your hair look limp and heavy. No sulfates are in this serum, and it is completely fragrance-free. You can even trust that this product has been dermatologist tested, which I am absolutely in love with. My skin is very sensitive, and I’m often bothered by hair products that have a very strong odor.
Do you need hair growth products like MDHair, or can you get what you need through a healthy diet?
While I strongly believe that a healthy diet is an important part of having healthy hair and a healthy body, I like to combine this approach with some high-quality products. MDhair’s product line is very natural, and it’s a great complement to a healthy diet and lifestyle. If you’re struggling with hair loss or unhealthy hair, there’s no reason you have to suffer. MDhair has a number of options available that can really transform the way your hair looks and feels. Don’t forget about exercise. Moving your body for at least 30 minutes each day can help balance your hormones and expel toxins that have built up in the body. These things can affect your hair quality if you’re not careful.
Is this hair regrowth shampoo working for customers who bought it?
MDhair Regrowth Shampoo currently has a 4.83 star rating out of five stars. There are only about a dozen reviews listed on the company’s website, though. I appreciate real-world opinions and experiences, so this is a section of a brand’s website that I always check out before making any kind of purchase.
The reviews of this product express thicker, stronger and healthier hair after a few weeks of use. It seems to work on both straight and curly hair, improving the health of your hair so that it looks amazing every day. A lot of people who reviewed MDhair Regrowth Shampoo also used other products from the brand. That seems to have a bigger impact on their hair health.

Who Should Try It?
If you’re someone who has been dealing with thin and unhealthy hair, this is the product for you. I used it for a bit after I had my youngest son. Because of the hormone fluctuations associated with pregnancy, the postpartum period and breastfeeding, I lost a lot of hair. This is actually very common, but I was feeling self-conscious about how I looked. It took a little bit of time to notice a difference, but my hair was never healthier than it was during that regrowth phase.
Who Shouldn’t?
It’s always a good idea to test a little bit of product on your skin before you use it all over your head or body. While the formulations of MDhair products are very safe and natural, there may be ingredients included that bother you.
My Last Words
Whether your hair is long, short, light or dark, it’s a main focal point of your appearance. It’s common for our hair to change as we get older, but there’s no reason why you should have to deal with hair loss or thinning hair. In most cases, hair loss is caused by something that can be fixed. Nutrition is a big factor when it comes to the health of your hair. I’ve shared information with you that can inspire you to make healthy changes that can impact your hair, but MDhair’s products are a great option as well. I recommended starting out with their Regrowth Shampoo. If that provides you with some noticeable benefits but you’d like to see more change, consider adding one of the other products into your hair care routine as well.