Heights Vitamins Review: My Thoughts on The Smart Supplement?

I review Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement that’s jammed packed key nutrients designed to improve sleep, mood and increase energy.

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A daily supplement is something that you could absolutely benefit from, regardless of who you are and what kind of lifestyle you’re living. A large majority of people deal with ongoing nutritional deficiencies along with different medical conditions, sleep issues, chemical exposure, the normal process of aging and hormone imbalances. In a perfect world you would get all of your nutrients from the food that you eat, but this isn’t always realistic. That’s why I want to tell you about Heights Vitamins.

It was a couple of years ago that I started to learn about nutritional deficiencies and just how prevalent they actually are in society. I had been feeling tired at certain points in the day, and upon looking closely at my diet, I realized there were certain nutrients I probably weren’t getting enough of. It’s easy to become overwhelmed with trying to figure out what you should be supplementing with. The health and wellness world are inundated with different products that contain all kinds of ingredients. How do you know what to consume or where to start?

Heights Vitamins are quite different from the other products that I’ve looked into or tried. It has been formulated by experts and is backed by more than 300 different clinical studies. It’s specifically made to boost your overall health while also improving things like the quality of your sleep, your mood, energy levels and immune response. Let’s take a closer look at this product and the Heights brand.

Quick Summary of My Heights Vitamins Review

Product:Smart Supplement by HEIGHTS
Key nutrients inside:Omega 3DHA, Blueberry Extract, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin C
Key Benefits:Deeper sleep, Improved mood, More energy
How long does the bottle last:30-day supply
Price:$55 per month
Where to buy:at yourheights.com

About The Brand Heights Vitamins

subscription box of heights vitamins

Heights was created with the hope of helping people live a better life by investing in their brain care. By focusing on your neurological, emotional and physical well-being, you can live a healthier and more fulfilling life. Heights believes in taking care of your brain, which has been with you since the very beginning.

There are five brain care behaviors that Heights believes in. This includes nourishing the body, moving on a daily basis, resting regularly, being curious and finding time to pause in life. By creating some simple and new habits, you can keep doing what you love the most in life. Heights works with reputable professionals to develop science-backed products.

Overview of Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement

By focusing on the brain as the center of so many aspects of our health, Heights created their Smart Supplement so you can take control of your life. By feeding the brain 20 different vitamins and minerals, you can stay focused and retain cognitive function as you age. Not only does Heights Smart Supplement help care for your brain, but it can also provide you with ample energy, promote clear thinking and protect against disease.

You receive Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement through a subscription service. You can opt for a monthly plan or a three-month plan at one time. You save a little bit of money by buying more at a time. Heights claims that their Smart Supplement can take up to 12 weeks for the most benefits to appear. However, you should start to see a difference in things like energy levels and sleep quality in a much shorter amount of time.


  • Heights offers products designed to improve the overall health and condition of your brain as well as your body
  • Made from high quality ingredients
  • Formulated by reputable doctors
  • Vegan-friendly
  • Sustainably sourced ingredients
  • Comes in a recyclable bottle


  • You’re purchasing as part of a subscription service. It’s not a one-time purchase kind of product.
  • It can take up to 12 weeks to see the full potential of this product

Quick Rundown on the Claimed Benefits

Benefits included in a heights vitamin

Heights claims that you can accomplish quite a bit of benefits from daily use of their Smart Supplement. Sharper focus can be achieved by getting rid of brain fog and improving your concentration. Your memory and learning become much clearer.

By supporting your metabolism with the use of Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement, you’ll feel like you have more energy throughout the course of the day. Your fresh and energized attitude isn’t from stimulants, so you’ll be ready for bed at night without a major crash. Your sleep will also be deeper and more rejuvenating. Plus, who doesn’t want a stronger immune system and healthier hair, skin and nails?

What Are the Key Ingredients That Make It Work?

There are 20 different key ingredients in Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement, all of which are 100 percent clean, vegan and non-GMO. Some of these ingredients include:

How Much Does Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement Cost?

Like I mentioned earlier, a one-month subscription supply to Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement costs $55 per month. You can save a little bit of money with the three-month subscription and the price drops down to $50 per month. That’s a savings of nine percent. If you were purchasing all of the nutrients inside of this supplement separately, it would cost you close to $200, especially taking into account the quality of these ingredients that Heights uses.

My Experience and Review of Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement

Heights vitamins in hands

I tried Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement when I first really started learning about nutritional deficiencies. I have tried a number of multivitamins and similarly related products over the years, but this is one that I can really stand behind.

What I Liked

I find that Heights puts a great deal of research and thought into the different ingredients that are used for their Smart Supplement. It’s not an overly long list of active ingredients that megadose you on all kinds of things that you don’t need. Rather, you’re gaining access to the different specific nutrients that benefit our bodies and brain, many of which are water soluble. You don’t have to worry about your body being overloaded with what isn’t needed.

This is a totally vegan supplement that was really gentle on my stomach. It’s common for my gut to have to adjust to something new that I’m taking, but I didn’t really experience anything out of the norm with this supplement. The omega 3 included is sourced from algae, which is much gentler than other commonly used sources.

What I Didn’t Like

I’m not a huge fan of a subscription service, but I know this is something convenient that a lot of people prefer. I like to purchase my products when I need them, to account for any missed doses and extra product that has built up. It’s not a huge deal though, and I appreciated the little bit of money that was saved by subscribing. I stuck with the monthly option to keep things simple.

What Could Be Improved

I would like it if Heights offered a one-time purchase option for this supplement. I think it would be nice to have more versatile buying options.

Also, this supplement can turn your urine very yellow when you’re taking it because of the riboflavin content of it. Maybe lowering the dose in the product would prevent this from occurring? It makes it hard to judge if you’re hydrated or not from the color of your urine.

Real Heights Vitamins Reviews and Customer Rating

There are almost 850 reviews listed on the Heights website. The product has a 4.7 star rating out of five stars. People have expressed being able to sleep better, think more clearly and remember things better within the first few weeks of use. It has even helped with anxiety and fatigue due to hormone changes in a number of customers.

Heights vitamins being held by a real customer

How Long Until I Start Seeing Results?

Some of the more subtle effects that can occur with the use of the nutrients in this product will present themselves within just a week or two of starting Heights Smart Supplement. There are more benefits that you may experience, but Heights says that it can take up to 12 weeks to see this product’s full benefits. Don’t discount it right away if you don’t notice a change. There may be a lot going on internally that will take some time to show.

Alternatives Compared to Heights Vitamins

There are different multivitamins and supplements available for purchase from different brands which provide similar results to Heights Vitamins. Here are some of the ones that I’ve tried and that I’ve heard great things about from some of my health and wellness professional friends and enthusiasts.

mindbodygreen brain guard + (Most comparable)

brain guard + mindbodygreen

Mindbodygreen brain guard is very similar to Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement in regard to the nutrients that it provides and the benefits that you can achieve. It contains citicoline, kanna and resveratrol to support neurotransmitter production, improve brain processing speed and also to increase blood flow to your brain. This achieves mental sharpness and cognitive flexibility. It’s ideal for people with brain fog and low energy.

Kanna is a nootropic botanical that has been sustainably sourced from South Africa. It provides balance for key neurotransmitters, so you experience cognitive flexibility and mental wellbeing.

Resveratrol is fermentation derived and offers potent antioxidant protection against free radical damage and oxidative stress. It can also help create cellular resistance and mitochondrial health.

Primal Mind Fuel (Budget Friendly)

mind fuel primal harvest

For a more affordable option, Primal Mind Fuel offers a nootropic formula that increases your daily performance by way of 11 different ingredients. This product features the patented NeuroSmart for optimal cognitive wellness, Cogniplex for a healthy stress response and Rhodiola rosea for improved mood, productivity and motivation. Primal Harvest products are made in a GMP-certified facility and third-party testing is used for quality assurance. This product is also gluten-free, free of dairy and free of soy.

For a similar profile to Smart Supplement from Heights, this product features CogniPlex, which is a balanced blend of essential B-vitamins (B6, B12, and B1) to support brain health, energy levels and cellular health. Bacopa Monnieri and Huperzine A create a perfected flow state for focus and productivity.

Autumn DNA (Most sophisticated Personalized Vitamin Pack)

autumn dna multivitamins for men

Instead of wasting your time on supplements that contain ingredients that you don’t need, Autumn DNA provides you with a much more personalized approach to vitamin supplements. Your DNA is utilized along with a lifestyle assessment to determine what nutrients your body will benefit from the most. You can then purchase a supplement that meets all of these requirements. High-quality formulations have been developed by the expert medical team at Autumn DNA inside of an award-winning lab.

In addition to your supplement recommendations, you receive an easy-to-understand report with different insights about how your health impacts your life. It’s a little bit more of an expensive and sophisticated option, but sometimes the peace of mind is worth it. You can save some money if you can upload your DNA information from a third-party site like Ancestry or 23 and Me.


Not only do I think that it’s important to focus on getting all of your nutrients each day, but I love being able to source supplements from a brand that you can tell cares about their customers. Heights Vitamins puts a great deal of time and attention into the products that they’re selling. Their Smart Supplement is easy to order, gentle on the stomach, doesn’t contain super high doses of ingredients and can be used by so many people to boost brain health but to accomplish other things like increase your energy levels, help you sleep better at night, promote cardiovascular health, balance your nervous system and much more. They also have a really great customer service department if you run into any issues or have any questions before you order.

I like to take into account things like ingredients, value, packaging and brand reputability when I’m going to be making a purchase. Heights meets all of my personal requirements, which is why I feel confident in recommending this product to you. As a wellness enthusiast and someone who cares about their brain health extensively, I can’t wait to hear what you think about Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement.

Should You Try Heights Vitamins?

large box of heights vitamins

There’s no denying the importance that multivitamins and supplements have in your day-to-day life. With so many of us deficient in different nutrients because of a poor diet or just not enough time to make healthy meals, it’s imperative that we’re supplementing. I love the formulation that’s inside of Heights Vitamins Smart Supplement. It’s really so much more than just a brain health product. If you’re concerned that you’re not getting enough nutrients from the food that you’re eating (and you’re probably right about this suspicion), I would highly recommend Heights Vitamins as a place to start. There may be other ingredients that you would benefit from as well, but this is a versatile product to start out with that will likely cover most (if not all) of your bases.

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Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD

Courtney D'Angelo, MS, RD, earned her masters degree in Nutrition and Foods from the University of Georgia. She's a Registered Dietitian at Morrison Healthcare and has a strong passion in helping people improve their wellness! Currently, she helps women in menopause find hormone balance through diet, exercise and science-backed products.

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